Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'll Have What She's Having!

I always know i've met a real gentleman when he makes sure he walks on the curbside of the road so he can protect me from danger (and to keep me from getting splashed by puddles) and when he stands behind me on an escalator going up, and in front on one going down (to prevent me from falling). I thought about this when i saw these next wedding photo's. There's something about them that just got to me. I realized what it is... it's the groom! Yes, he is handsome (and i'd like one of my own) but what i'm captivated by, is how his love for his newly pronounced wife just oozes from the photos. Every image screams of adoring love for his lady. I think she found a 'keeper'. It just goes to show what a great photographer Calli B Photography is. You have done a perfect job of capturing these sweet moments that will last forever. Gorgeous photography, gorgeous couple, just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous !!

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