Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Wedding Collective Launch in Brisbane

Last month I attended the launch of The Wedding Collective in Brisbane, an event that i have mixed feelings about. While the displays by the suppliers were exciting and dazzling, the organization of the night was nothing short of frustrating. I guess arriving and being made to line-up like cattle, in the cold, on a mega-step driveway (in 5 inch heels mind you!) just to check in, was not a good start.

Once checked in we were once again held like cattle, for an hour and a half, in a room with only one display to look at. Everyone stood around wondering what was going on and why the organizers were not opening the sheer curtains for us to see what we had come for. Finally something started to happen... oh my goodness... speeches! Can you bear it!... By this time myself and the group of ladies i had met were completely 'over it'. It was two hours into the event and all we'd seen was 1 display, a band and the organizers swanning around ensuring that all of the local social-scene photographers had taken a photo of themselves.

Finally the curtains were opened and what we saw was amazing!! The rooms on display were very impressive. Each and everyone of them had a wow-factor. I couldn't pick my favourite, they were all so fabulous (as you can see by the photos below). Apparently there was a fashion parade and giveaways later in the night, but after already waiting around for so long, i left and went home to enjoy the rest of the night with my boyfriend. The suppliers did an amazing job... the organizers, not so good :(

All the suppliers you need are :

Theme: New York White

Theme: Nostalgic Grace

Theme: Bonjour Mademoiselle

Theme: Summer Spritz

Theme: Rustic Vintage

All images courtesy of The Wedding Collective


  1. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog. My wedding was at the end of September, and I had read this post and fell in love with the first photo (the Love sign with roses on it). So with about 2 weeks left till my wedding date, my now husband and I actually went and bought foam boards, and cut out a Love sign by ourselves using exacto knife! It turned out to be harder than imagined! Then we spray painted it white and glued silk flowers to it and used it as a backdrop at our wedding in Lake Tahoe. Your post came just in time as we still had no idea what backdrop to use! Our wedding was right next to the lake so we almost went without any backdrop. Anyway, it turned out beautiful while not taking away the natural beauty of the place, and I have a picture of it here!

    I know you look at a lot of wedding photos, so if you are interested you can see some of mine here!

    And this is the link for our engagement pictures - we opted for an Asian style session with actual wedding dress for me and tux for my guy. Kind of different, I guess. It was taken at the Pasadena City Hall here in Los Angeles area!

    Now that my wedding is over, I still read your posts because you have beautiful ideas and photos, and your writing is very nice to read. Thank you again! Sorry for writing a novel!

  2. Ohhh Joyce, aren't you beautiful !! Thank you so much for your gorgeous 'novel'..hehehe. You've put a huge smile on my face. Thank you for supporting and reading my blog.

    I can't believe what an amazing job you did on your 'love' sign ! It is awesome. Well done ! I'm about to get on an international flight, but am dying to look through all your photos as soon as i land. Can't wait !!

    Thanks again for your comments and kind words

    Frog Princess xx

  3. Thanks! Glad you approve! Hehe... I am so glad we made the sign work, because for a while it looked like it wouldn't happen! We were looking for professional sign places in the beginning but they would all take too long, or charge way too much. Glad we decided to do it ourselves, but we were literally up till like 2 am carving that sign the day before we had to drive up to Tahoe for the wedding! I guess you could call it a pre-wedding project to test our nerves! Haha!

    Hope you enjoy the pictures! I have not gotten back from the photographer all the decoration pictures and such, which is a shame since they were so beautiful. A talented family friend made everything herself! It was unbelievably personal and incorporated a mix of Asian theme and Western theme. I think my wedding confused some of the older guests because we also had a Man of Honor, and a Grooms Woman! But it was so fun! Actually I forgot to mention that I got the idea of getting robes for my bridesmaids (and man) to wear while we were getting ready from one of your earlier posts too! There is a photo of us wearing them in one of the pictures in the same album. Thanks for all the brilliant ideas!!!

    By the way, I am from California but I lived in Melbourne for a year back in 2004. I got to travel all over Australia - what an amazing country!!! I did not want to come back. You are so lucky to live there, and to be able to travel internationally all the time must be so much fun too!!

  4. Hi Joyce, For some reason i can't access the photos. Dying to see them. Is there another link to them? xx

  5. The flickr file is 'locked' so unfortunately i can't view your wedding photos... if there is another link let me know xx


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